File Uploading Class

CodeIgniter's File Uploading Class permits files to be uploaded. You can set various preferences, restricting the type and size of the files.

The Process

Uploading a file involves the following general process:
  • An upload form is displayed, allowing a user to select a file and upload it.
  • When the form is submitted, the file is uploaded to the destination you specify.
  • Along the way, the file is validated to make sure it is allowed to be uploaded based on the preferences you set.
  • Once uploaded, the user will be shown a success message.
To demonstrate this process here is brief tutorial. Afterward you'll find reference information.

Creating the Upload Form

Using a text editor, create a form called upload_form.php. In it, place this code and save it to your  
applications/views/ folder:

You'll notice we are using a form helper to create the opening form tag. File uploads require a multipart form, so the helper creates the proper syntax for you. You'll also notice we have an $error variable. This is so we can show error messages in the event the user does something wrong.

The Success Page

Using a text editor, create a form called upload_success.php. In it, place this code and save it to your

applications/views/ folder:

The Controller

Using a text editor, create a controller called upload.php. In it, place this code and save it to your

applications/controllers/ folder: